To install Starry Night Deluxe™ 2.1 on your hard disk, double-click on "Starry Night Deluxe Installer". The installer will install a "Starry Night 2.1" folder on your hard disk with the Starry Night applicaiton inside. There is also a copy of the Starry Night application that can be run directly off of the CD-ROM, though it is strongly recommended that you use the Installer to place a copy of the application on your hard disk instead, since the hard disk Starry Night will be significantly faster.
Note that Starry Night 2.1 looks best when your monitor is set to show thousands of colours or more.
Extra Stars
If you have the Starry Night CD mounted on your desktop when you run Starry Night you will have automatic access to all the stars in the Hubble Guide Star catalog (more than 19 million stars!). For faster access to these stars you can choose to have some or all of them installed on your hard disk. Using the "Custom" options in the Starry Night Installer gives choices for installing some, but not all, of the Hubble stars on your hard disk. If you wish to install all of the Hubble stars on your hard disk (≈300MB) then use the Macintosh desktop to copy all of the files from the "Hubble Stars" folder located on the Starry Night CD to the "Starry Night Data" folder on your hard disk.
Since loading stars from the CD-ROM may slow down Starry Night you may wish to limit Starry Night’s display of stars to the magnitude of those stars that you have installed on your hard disk. So for instance if you have stars down to 12th magnitude installed on your hard disk, ie. "Hubble (11-12)" is the deepest star file you have, you can use the Magnitude dialog in Starry Night and select Magnitude cut-off, setting the slider to limit the star display to 12th magnitude. You can save these options as your default setting by selecting "Save Options As Default" from the Settings menu. Alternatively, if you do not have the Starry Night CD mounted when you run Starry Night, then the extra Hubble stars on the CD will not be used.
The Starry Night CD comes with an application for creating custom data sets for use with Starry Night 2.1. To create data sets drag the "DataMaker" application into the Starry Night 2.1 folder that was installed on your hard disk and read the DataMaker Read Me file.
Eclipse Times
The "Eclipse Times" folder contain Starry Night files for viewing lunar and solar eclipses that take place in the years from 1601 to 2500. Read the Solar Eclipse Read Me file for more information on these eclipse files.
Example Movies
The Example Movies folder contains some movies that were made using Starry Night. Besdie each movie file is a Starry Night file that was used to make the movie. You may wish to try different compressors and compression quality settings when making movies for the web (you can change the QuickTime™ settings by double clicking on the Movie tool in Starry Night's tool palette). You are free to post any movies you make using Starry Night (you may wish to accredit Starry Night and place a URL to our website at:
Example Files
The Example Files folder contains some files that will give you a taste of some of the things you can do with Starry Night. A tip for viewing files: you can drag a Starry Night file from the Macintosh desktop into an open Starry Night window and that window will take on the settings of the dragged file.
Included on the Starry Night CD are two plug-ins. To read more about the LiveSky™ plug-in please read the "Read Me First!" file in the "LiveSky™" folder. The other plug-in is for controlling Meade LX-200 telescopes directly from your computer. This plug-in was written by Casady & Greene Software, Inc. as an interface between Starry Night and their InfoGenie™ 2 database software. With this plug-in and InfoGenie 2 (InfoGenie 2 is available separately from Casady & Greene) you can record an evening's observing session and attach observation notes to any object in Starry Night for later reference. This plug-in will also control an LX-200 telescope (even if you don't own InfoGenie 2). To install this plug-in use the Starry Night Installer's custom options, or drag the plug-in from the CD and put it into the Plug-Ins folder located in the Starry Night Data folder on your hard disk.
Starry Night 2.1 comes with three sets of special sound effects, two by recording artist Meryn Cadell (the computer voices) and one by Bruce Evans. The Starry Night Installer does not automatically install all the sound sets. You can choose which sound sets to install by using the Custom options in the Starry Night Installer. When using Starry Night you can choose which sound set to use (or turn sounds off) from the Starry Night preferences dialog.
We have added extensive Balloon Help to aid you in learning about Starry Night. You can turn Balloon Help on from Apple’s help menu at the top right of you screen. Balloon help can also be turned on temporarily by holding down the option key when clicking in a menu. It will remain on until the mouse button is released.
To help orient yourself when looking straight down (towards your feet) we show a pair of large footed sneakers. You may want to turn the display of these feet off, if, for example, you have risen above the earth and want to look back down at it. To turn shoe display on and off, select "Feet" from the Guides menu.
If you have trouble starting Starry Night try these tips:
-throw out the "Sienna" folder located in the Preferences folder within your System Folder. This folder contains default settings for Starry Night as well as your option sets.
-start your computer with the shift key down (this turns extensions off) and see if the problem persists (It may be possible that there is a conflict between Starry Night and an extension or control panel on your system)
If you have lost your Serial Number you can do one of two things:
1) Starry Night runs directly off of the CD-ROM - no installation required. Just put in the CD-ROM, and double-click on the Starry Night Deluxe 2.1.3 icon in the Starry Night Deluxe folder.
2) Use the serial number AX15555-73426.
World Wide Web
Check out our world wide web site for updates, tips and general info.
Our URL is
How to Contact Us
If you have any comments or suggestions or if you just want to drop us a line you can reach us at If you would like to order additional copies of Starry Night please email us at or call us at (416) 926-2174. You can also fax us at (416) 926-0370. You can email the authors of Starry Night directly at